Young Academy Panel (YAP) – Open for nominations
Do you want to join a team of super committed peers and be part in shaping the future of the Danish data science community? Whether you are in the beginning of your career or a student with passion for data science, you now have the opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired by like-minded peers and make real impact within Danish data science! We emphasise diversity in all our governing bodies, and have decided to extend the deadline for nominations for our Young Academy Panel to November 15!

You still have the opportunity to nominate yourself for the DDSA Young Academy Panel
We have received only qualified and relevant nominations by the initial deadline, but unfortunately not a large enough number to secure the diversity of the DDSA Young Academy Panel with respect to e.g., gender, seniority, geographical location, sector, and specialisation.
We have extended the deadline for Young Academy Panel nominations to November 15 to secure diversity in the panel.
What is the DDSA Young Academy Panel?
The DDSA Young Academy Panel (YAP) consists of 15 members who are all young data scientists in the beginning of their career. YAP collaborates with the DDSA secretariat in organising recurrent DDSA events, like the DDSA annual conference, the annual Pre-Graduate Retreat, the Mentoring Programme, and other events. YAP also provides feedback on new initiatives, events, and activities to the DDSA Education and Networking Committee, and on the DDSA’s strategy and activities to the DDSA Board of Directors.
YAP meets twice a year for a physical half- or full-day meeting, and for a two-hour virtual meeting in the remaining months excluding July and December. Many YAP members are also engaged in developing and driving other DDSA activities such as the Mentoring Programme or the Pre-Graduate Retreat.
Curious to know more about being a Young Academy Panel member? Read our interview with Cecilie Utke Rank, Medical Doctor and DDSA Young Academy Panel member.
Who can be nominated for YAP?
We welcome nominations
- where the nominee has data science as a central component of their current position or education
- from all sectors, including universities, organisations, corporate, and public sector
- where the nominee is employed or studying in Denmark or has a strong connection to Denmark. We strive to build a cohesive community within Denmark, and therefore some physically participation is expected
- where the nominee is in the early stages of their career. For academia, this means bachelor’s and master’s students, PhD, Postdoc, and assistant professor level at the time of the application deadline
How do I get nominated?
If you meet the above criteria, we warmly welcome you to nominate yourself. If you nominate yourself, you are welcome to attach a ‘letter of support’ from one or more recommenders, but this is not a requirement. You can also let others nominate you.
The nomination proces
November 15, 2023 – Deadline for nominations
Ultimo November 2023 – The DDSA Education and Networking Committee will process the nominations and appoint the members of the YAP for the next term
Ultimo December 2023 – Nominees will be informed whether they will be offered a seat in YAP
January 2024 – The new DDSA Young Academy Panel enters into force, and runs until December 2026
Evaluation criteria
DDSA emphasises the applicants’ ability to contribute to YAP’s responsibilities. Therefore, commitment and relevant experience is essential. DDSA also emphasises diversity in all our governing bodies, e.g., within data science field, regional representation, sector, and gender, which will be included in the assessment and nomination of new members.
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