Beatriz Quintanilla Casas
PhD in Food Science
Postdoc @ University of Copenhagen
Exploratory Gastronomy (EXPLOGA): Turning Flavour Chemistry Into Gastronomy Through Advanced Data Analysis
Today’s design and production of food products are still based on human artisan skills, especially when it comes to high-quality products where blending of raw materials is key. The development of new data science tools plays a key role on this food transition, as they can allow to comprehensively exploit the current knowledge while uncovering new connections. Therefore, the proposed project named EXPLOGA – Exploratory Gastronomy pursues to improve food design and production practices, in order to make them more efficient and sustainable, by means of developing new scientific data tools.
These new tools will be able to convert food flavour measurements into chemically and gastronomically well-defined information, through automated untargeted profiling of flavour data as well as advanced text analysis of the existing flavour information. EXPLOGA represents the first level of a new field of research we name functional gastronomy approach, which aims to use data science to better understand the influence of raw materials and processing techniques on the final food products in a broad sense.
This project will be carried out at the Chemometrics group at the Department of Food Science (University of Copenhagen), supervised by Prof. Rasmus Bro. It will also include a three-months international stay at the Norwegian Food Research Institute (NOFIMA).