Events Calendar

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Geographical Data Science using Python

Aalborg University Copenhagen A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, Copenhagen, Denmark

Target group: Researchers, PhD students from Nordic universities, developers, data scientists and other interested people from the public sector may participate. Course website:

Health Data Science Day

Mærsk Tower, University of Copenhagen Blegdamsvej 3B, Copenhagen, Denmark

💻Health Data Science Day 💻 A conference on data science applications in health research. The Health Data Science Day is a local conference on data science at the Faculty of Health and Medical Science at the University of Copenhagen. The conference brings together researchers who work daily with data science and its applications to discuss […]


Generative Modeling Summer School (GeMSS)

Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence Øster Voldgade 3, Copenhagen, Denmark

Target group: PhD students within both methodological and applied data science research for whom generative modelling potentially plays a part in their PhD projects. + Postdocs and senior researchers who want to work with deep generative models, as well as people from the industry as continual training in data science. Deadline for registration: April 10, […]