Morten Arngren

Position: Lead Data Scientist, VML
Categories: Computer Science, Engineering and Technical Science, Mathematics
Location: Region Hovedstaden


With a PhD in ML and 12+ years of experience in the industry, I have developed and delivered many ML solution to various business. It’s all around taking ML research (eg. papers and open-source code) and apply to a real-world problems and ensuring it actually runs in production. In practice I have built recommender systems, textual embeddings, user behaviour models, Bayesian bandits, Bayesian AB-test systems to name a few 🙂


I have always been in the industry and enjoyed both supervising and lead young talent within ML and Data Science. This has lead to many skilled professional today both in startups and commercial companies. Thats’ my motivation – to support and help young talent make an impact for themselves and evolve in their career.

Skills, expertise, and interests

  • data science
  • machine learning
  • deep learning
  • artificial intelligence
  • data analytics
  • statistical and data modelling
  • natural language processing (NLP)
  • data visualisation
  • statistics and mathematics
  • PhD advice
  • big data
  • data management
  • time series analysis
  • data mining
  • project management
  • cloud computing
  • leadership
  • computational science
  • work-life balance
  • time management
  • business innovation
  • text analysis
  • strategy
  • teamwork
  • end-to-end implementation
  • mathematical optimisation
  • academic writing skills
  • engineering
  • digitalisation
  • code review
  • version control
  • software project management