

Fellowship Evaluation Committee

The DDSA Fellowship Evaluation Committee evaluates and nominates the candidates for the DDSA PhD and Postdoc Fellowships. Comprising a national chair, 5 national members and 6 international members, the Committee ensures that the diverse areas and sub-disciplines of data science are adequately represented. The members have data science as a core element of their research and have supervisor experience.


DDSA Fellowship Evaluation Committee I (2021-July 2024)

Kåre Lehmann Nielsen (Chair)


Aalborg University,  the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience 

Anna Korhonen

Professor at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Cambridge University, UK, Department of Computer Science and Technology

Barbara Plank

Professor of Natural Language Processing and Head of Data Science Study Programme

IT University of Copenhagen

Alessandro Cozzi-Lepri


University College London, UK, the Institute for Global Health 

Dolores Romero Morales


Copenhagen Business School, the Department of Economics

Arno Solin

Assistant Professor

Aalto University, Finland, the Department of Computer Science

Jakob Skou Pedersen

Professor at Bioinformatics Research Centre and the Department of Molecular Medicine

Aarhus University, Skejby Hospital

Aurélien Garivier 


École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, Département de Mathématiques


Jes Frellsen

Associate Professor

Technical University of Denmark,  Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Luis Leiva

Associate Professor

University of Luxembourg,  Department of Computer Science


Peter Schneider-Kamp


University of Southern Denmark, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Matteo Magnani


Uppsala University, Sweden,  Department of Information Technology

DDSA Fellowship Evaluation Committee II (August 2024 – December 2026)

Kåre Lehmann Nielsen (Chair)


Aalborg University,  the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience 

Anna Korhonen

Professor at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Cambridge University, UK, Department of Computer Science and Technology

Melih Kandemir

Associate Professor

University of Southern Denmark 

Alessandro Cozzi-Lepri


University College London, UK, the Institute for Global Health 

Arno Solin

Assistant Professor

Aalto University, Finland 

Tugce Karaderi 

Assistant Professor / Group Lead

University of Copenhagen 

Bissan Ghaddar


Technical University of Denmark

Barbara Plank


LMU Munich, Germany

Sebastian Weichwald

Assistant Professor 

University of Copenhagen, MATH Department, Copenhagen Causality Lab

Luis Leiva

Assistant Professor and Senior Research Scientist

University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Ioannis Caragiannis


Aarhus University

Emilio Carrizosa

Full Professor

University of Seville, Spain

About the DDSA Fellowship Evaluation Committee

The DDSA Fellowship Evaluation Committee evaluates both methodological and applied data science applications aligning with the DDSA research scope. The Committee also provides feedback and input on the evaluation process to the DDSA Board of Directors.

The Committee is comprised of a national chair, 5 national members and 6 international members ensuring that the diverse areas and sub-disciplines of data science are adequately represented. National members are defined as being employed in Denmark. The international members also serve to mitigate any local biases in the assessment of the applications.

Applications for the DDSA PhD and Postdoc Fellowships are invited on a yearly basis via open competition calls. The main evaluation activities for the Committee take place from March to June. Some of the main activities for the members are:

Individual activities:  

    • Screening PhD and Postdoc applications to express interest to review or declare conflict of interest
    • Individual review of applications (each application is scored by up to four committee members) over a period of approx. 3 weeks


    • Virtual kick-off meeting
    • Physical meeting in Denmark spanning 2-3 days, selecting 20 PhD candidates and 12 Postdoc candidates for interviews
    • International members only: Virtual meetings spanning 2-3 days interviewing candidates and nominating the final 10 PhD and 6 Postdoc candidates for Fellowship awarding
    • Virtual meeting: FEC evaluation meeting

A Committee member can still apply for DDSA grants.

The Committee works in accordance with DDSA Conflicts of Interest.



DDSA Fellowship Evaluation Committee members will receive a fixed yearly honorarium for their commitment to the fellowship evaluation process according to the table below:


FEC Honorarium (DKK)




International Member



National Member



There will be an open call for applications for 6 Postdoc and 10 PhD Fellowships in 2025 and an open call for applications for 10 PhD Fellowships in 2026.