

Education & Networking Committee

The DDSA Education & Networking Committee evaluates and prioritises applications for DDSA’s Large Course and Event Grants, monitors and develops DDSA’s event and course grant programmes, and provides strategic input on the need for new DDSA-driven activities. The committee members are also engaged in developing these new activities together with the DDSA Secretariat, e.g. taking part in setting up the scientific programme of our annual conference. The committee consists of 12 members representing a diverse group of committed data science researchers and professionals working across sectors in the broad field of data science in Denmark.

DDSA Education & Networking Committee II (August 2024 – December 2026)

Lisbeth Fajstrup (Chair)

Associate Professor

Aalborg University

Jes Frellsen

Associate Professor

Technical University of Denmark

Hans-Jörg Schulz

Associate Professor

Aarhus University


Jens Ulrik Hansen

Associate Professor

Roskilde University

Anna Rogers

Associate Professor

Aarhus University

Roald Forsberg


Raven Biosciences 

Federica Belmonte

Lead Data Scientist 

Novo Nordisk

Roberta Sinatra 


University of Copenhagen and IT University of Copenhagen 

Anne Helbye Petersen

Assistant Profesor

University of Copenhagen

Anne Bøgh Fangel 

User Experience Manager

Omilon A/S

Mikkel Kjærgaard 


University of Southern Denmark

Jacob Ramlov Jensen

Co-Founder and Leading AI/ ML 

Go Autonomous

About the DDSA Education & Networking Committee

The DDSA Education and Networking Committee meets 3-5 times a year, two of the meetings typically in person and the rest virtually. Further, there are ad hoc planning meetings for the individual activities.

The Chair of the DDSA Education & Networking Committee is appointed by the DDSA Board of Directors and participates in most Board-meetings as a non-voting member.

The Education & Networking Committee appoints the DDSA Young Academy Panel, the DDSA Cross Academy Collaboration Committee, and members of the Scientific Programme Committee for our annual conference.

A Committee member can still apply for DDSA grants.

The DDSA Education & Networking Committee works in accordance with DDSA Conflicts of Interest.

DDSA Education & Networking Committee I (2021-July 2024)

Aasa Feragen (Chair)


Techincal University of Denmark, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Mads Nielsen


University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science

Camilla Sofani Bartholdy

Head of Innovation

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard


University of Southern Denmark, The Maersk Mckinney Moller Institute

Deidre Cronin Fenton

Associate Professor

Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Epidemiology

Ole Nørregaard Jensen


University of Southern Denmark, Department of Biochemestry and Molecular Biology

Hua Lu


Roskilde University, Department of People and Technology

Roald Forsberg

CEO, Founder

Raven Bioscience

Jacob Ramlov Jensen

Co-founder, AI/ML Development Lead

Go Autonomous

Rikke Sternberg

Senior Manager

SAS institute


Lisbeth Fajstrup 

Associate Professor

Aalborg University, Department of Mathematical Sciences

Sisse Rye Ostrowski

Clinical Professor

Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Department of Clinical Medicine