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Open-source Computational Fluid Dynamics (2024)

June 10, 2024 - June 14, 2024

Organiser: Jakob Hærvig, Johan Rønby

Jakob Hærvig, Aalborg University (AAU)
Johan Rønby, Roskilde University (RUC)


Date and Time: 10-14 June 2024 (week 24)

Deadline: 20 May 2024

Place: AAU Energy, Pontoppidanstraede 101 room 1.001, Aalborg, Denmark

Format: In person

Max no. of participants: 25

Course webpage:

Description: This course is an introduction to CFD using OpenFOAM, which is the most widely used open-source toolkit for CFD. The fact that OpenFOAM is open-source makes it highly versatile allowing you to modify any aspect of the code to your needs and set up fully automated workflows. In this course, you will get knowledge about all aspects of OpenFOAM and learn how to comfortably set up simulation of various fluid flows yourself. See the course webpage for a detailed description. A full description day-to-day schedule can be found at our course website.

Prerequisites: Participants need to be familiar with the most basic linux commands before attending the course. Training material will be sent out to participants in due time before the course starts.

Form of evaluation: The course will be evaluated through miniprojects.

Course literature: Participants need a working installation of OpenFOAM before attending the course. A guide will be sent out to participants in due time before the course starts.

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June 10, 2024
June 14, 2024
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PhD course
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