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Ungetopmøde på Christiansborg om ansvarlig kunstig intelligens

Folketinget Christiansborg, Copenhagen, Indre by, Denmark

Er du mellem 18-30 år? Til Ungetopmødet på Christiansborg får du mulighed for at præge fremtidens politik om kunstig intelligens Hvordan sikrer vi, at kunstig intelligens udvikles og bruges ansvarligt i fremtiden? Hvordan kan vi som unge påvirke politik, teknologi og samfund? Hvordan ville du forme fremtiden, hvis du sad midt i demokratiets maskinrum? Nu […]


Talking HeaDS – Health Data Science Seminar and Social Networking

Panum - University of Copenhagen Blegdamsvej 3B, København N, Denmark

“This must be the place” to hear about the latest and greatest in the expanding field of health data science. The mission of the Center for Health Data Science is to not only strengthen health data science within the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (SUND) at the University of Copenhagen, but to serve as […]


People, AI and online research

InCuba Store Auditorium (Building: 5510, Room: 103), Åbogade 15, 8200, Aarhus Åbogade 34, Aarhus, Denmark

Speaker: Dan Russel Title: “People, AI and online research” Location: InCuba Store Auditorium (Building: 5510, Room: 103), Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus When: February 28th 2025, at 14:15 Abstract: Given all of the press that LLMs have garnered, it’s worthwhile asking if they’re changing the ways people find information. Are LLMs pulling traffic away from the […]


Compact Course Data Visualization

Aarhus University Conference Center Fredrik Nielsens Vej 2-4, Aarhus C, Denmark

Master Data Visualization – from data to insight Data visualization is an essential tool in a data-driven world. But how do you create visualizations that not only look good but also convey precise and valuable insights? This course is designed to empower you to transform complex datasets into visual representations that support strategic decision-making. Who […]


Conference: AI4Quantum – Accelerating Quantum Computing with AI

Favrholm Campus Roskildevej 58, Hillerød, Denmark

This conference will probe the opportunities that exist across the stack and how these opportunities can be used to bring us closer to the goal of solving significant problems in life science with a fault-tolerant quantum computer. When we consider the full stack from new quantum materials development to the fundamental research in life-science use […]

Talking HeaDS – Health Data Science Seminar and Social Networking

Panum - University of Copenhagen Blegdamsvej 3B, København N, Denmark

“This must be the place” to hear about the latest and greatest in the expanding field of health data science. The mission of the Center for Health Data Science is to not only strengthen health data science within the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (SUND) at the University of Copenhagen, but to serve as […]
