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Applied AI Lunch Talks – Tetatet & DemensAI

DTU Skylab Diplomvej 373D, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark +1 more

Applied AI Lunch Talks are a series of free talks where people from industry, academia, and the startup world get together to learn more about the business cases, technical challenges, ethical aspects relevant for specific applied AI use cases. On March 14th 12:00-13:00 you can attend the following two talks - either online or at […]

Mini-conference: Generative AI in Life Science

Lundbeck Auditorium, Biocenter, University of Copenhagen, Ole Maaløes Vej 5, 2200 Copenhagen N Ole Maaløes Vej 5, Copenhagen N, Denmark

The complexity and scale of biological data are growing at an explosive rate. Currently, the main bottleneck towards new biological insights is often our ability to interpret existing data rather than limitations in the availability of data. In recent years, generative models have provided spectacular advances within various biological domains, and the community of researchers […]

AI in Medicine – Copenhagen MedTech

Rigshospitalet Blegdamsvej 9, København, Denmark

A full day student workshop that brings a close focus on the need of interdisciplinary collaboration between engineers, data scientists, and medical practitioners. In the morning, students from different fields (like medicine, AI, and biomedical engineering) get to meet each other over breakfast, followed by exciting talks by Medical Doctors, Professors and Startup Companies within […]

15th International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics

The University of Southern Denmark, Odense Campusvej 55, Odense, Denmark

The goal of the workshop is to promote and advance the combination and integration of visualization and analytics methods for the purpose of problem solving in a variety of application domains including engineering, business, public policy, medicine, security, etc.

AIRCON: Virtual knowledge sharing event about an AI-based solution for the contouring of organs

At an online event you will have the opportunity to meet hospital physicist Henrik Dahl Nissen (Oncology Department, Lillebaelt Hospital), who will share his insights about an AI-Radiotheraoy-Contouring system (AIRCON), a system for automatically contouring of organs on CT and/or MR scans (DICOM images). AIRCON is used when planning radiotherapy for cancer. The solution is […]


Lecture: Creating Equitable Value with AI

Novo Nordisk Foundation Tuborg Havnevej 19 Tuborg Havnevej 19, Hellerup, Denmark

Join us for a session in the company of three exciting researchers sharing their work and perspectives on bias and fairness in AI – and the dilemmas in ensuring responsible and value-creating AI. Fairness in artificial intelligence is crucial to ensure that AI-systems serve all individuals equitably, preventing discrimination and promoting trust. Bias in AI-systems […]


HIDA Lecture: On New Security and Safety Challenges Posed by LLMs and How to Evaluate Them

Online Copenhagen

Abstract: This online lecture delves into the pervasive integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) within numerous real-world applications, presenting both expansive opportunities for assistance across diverse tasks and formidable challenges in terms of security and safety. In contrast to previous models characterized by static generation, the dynamic, multi-turn, and adaptable nature of LLMs poses considerable […]


Nordic ProbAI Summer School

Copenhagen København, Denmark

The Nordic ProbAI summer school aims to deliver a comprehensive curriculum to explore the intricacies of probabilistic machine learning and its real-world applications in bioinformatics and chemistry. The current program includes lectures and hands-on practical sessions provided by leading worldwide experts and researchers in this field. Invited speakers will cover a diverse range of topics, […]

Nordic Probabilistic AI School (ProbAI)

The Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence The Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Øster Voldgade 3, 1350 København K, København, Denmark

The ProbAI is here to provide an inclusive educational environment that serves state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial intelligence expertise with a probabilistic twist. With a carefully designed curriculum and a seamless blend of theory and hands-on sessions, our expert team of invited lecturers will guide you through five intensive days each dedicated to a different […]

Research methods in digital health technology 12-16/8-2024

Odense University Hospital Kløvervænget 6, lokale 4 Odense C

The aim of the Ph.D. course is to give a comprehensive introduction to research methods used in the different phases of the innovation process for digital health technologies such as telehealth, home monitoring, mHealth, video consultation, artificial intelligence, clinical robots, etc. Thus, Ph.D. students will during the course learn about relevant research methods and their […]

PhD Summerschool: Physics meets Machine Learning

This is a 2.5 ECTS PhD-course in advanced machine learning under the topic of "Physics meets Machine Learning". The course consists of five days (Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 4 PM) of lectures and exercises. The lectures will cover theoretical and practical aspects of prominent intersections between Physics and Machine Learning. Technical aspects, programming and application […]