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Machine learning with sports and health data – Introduction and practical implementation in R (9/9 + 12/9 and 16/9 2024)

Campusvej 55 Odense M

Over the last five to ten years machine learning (ML) methods has gained widespread use with both sports and health data. ML methods can be used with both accelerometry or heart rate data for health or sports purposes or for simple clinical studies to find important patterns in the data. The possibilities seem almost endless. […]

Data management plan and responsible handling of research data (18/9-20/9 + 10/10 2024)

Campusvej 55 Odense M

The participants will through creating a data management plan be introduced to central elements of data management in research projects, workflows, relevant legislation, principles and standards for data documentation and data control, preparing quantitative data for analysis and relevant legislation in relation to management and safekeeping of research data. Disclaimer:DDSA has explicit permission from Arcanic […]

Design and analysis of epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) ( 21-24/9 2024)

Campusvej 55 Odense M

The etiology of complex diseases concerns not only the DNA sequence variation of a gene, but most importantly also the functional regulation of the gene triggered by specific environmental stimuli. Epigenetics is a newly emerging field of genetic study that focuses on the dynamic aspects of gene activity regulation under given environmental conditions, a very […]

Basic methodological concepts in clinical observational and interventional research (23-24/10 2024)

Campusvej 55 Odense M

The following elements will be dealt with: -Aspects that are common for most research designs (e.g. research questions, study material, data retrieval, and approach to statistical analysis) -Specific 'needs' for various research designs (e.g. the differences between observational and association studies, cross-sectional and prospective studies, cohort studies and comparative studies) - Important issues to ensure […]

REDCap databases for clinical research (12/11 + 19/11 2024)

Campusvej 55 Odense M

REDCap is an increasingly popular browser-based database platform for data collection in clinical research. It offers an intuitive user interface for building custom data collection instruments for clinical research projects. Instruments can be filled by the researchers themselves, or can be enabled as surveys that can be filled by project participants themselves. With complete audit […]