Kazu Ghalamkari

NTN-C3: Nonnegative Tensor Networks – Identifying the Limits of Convexity, Gains of Complexity, and Merits of Certainty

Purpose: The drastic spread of machine learning techniques has made...

Samuel Matthiesen

Towards Uncertainty- and Geometry-aware Generative Models

Abstract: Representation learning aims to transform data to extract relevant...

Emil Michael Pedersen

Developing a Multi-trait liability model for gene discovery in large biobanks

Abstract: Modern biomedical and health science research leans heavily on...

Madeleine Wyburd

Towards Early Detection of Structural Biomarkers of Cerebral Palsy

Abstract:   Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common motor...

Martin Rune Hassan Hansen

Improved detection of diabetes mellitus among African adults using machine learning

Purpose: The objective of the project is to develop risk...

Benjamin Skov Kaas-Hansen

BECAUSE-ICU: Better Trial Enrichment with Causal Evidence from Intensive Care Unit data

Purpose: BECAUSE-ICU will build the first iteration of a data...