Events Calendar

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D-Pop 2024: Problemløsning og programmering

IT-University of Copenhagen Rued Langgardsvej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark

Kan du lide at løse problemer sammen med andre, og kan du programmere (en smule)? D-Pop er et landsdækkende arrangement i holdbaseret problemløsning og programmering. Vi har lavet en masse sjove programmeringsopgaver, som I kan gå ombord i, og vi hjælper jer også gerne undervejs, hvis der skulle blive brug for det. Kom alene, snup […]


Earth Day 2024: Data Science to Combat Global Heating

Aalborg University, Aalborg Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K, Aalborg, Denmark

The Department of Mathematical Sciences invites students, faculty, and the general public to join us for the “Data Science to Combat Global Heating” event commemorating Earth Day 2024. The event consists of a day of learning and exploring how Mathematics and Data Science can contribute to Climate Change Research, help us understand and predict our […]

Integrating Stochastic Optimization and Machine Learning via Residuals

Online Copenhagen

This is a talk given by Prof Güzin Bayraksan as part of the Online Seminar Series Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization,, branding the role of Operations Research in Artificial Intelligence with the support of EURO, Abstract: We consider data-driven approaches that integrate a machine learning prediction model within stochastic optimization, given joint observations […]


Online learning and decision-making for renewables participating in electricity markets

Online Copenhagen

This is a talk given by Prof Pierre Pinson as part of the Online Seminar Series Machine Learning NeEDS Mathematical Optimization,, branding the role of Operations Research in Artificial Intelligence with the support of EURO, Abstract: There is extensive literature on the analytics involved in the participation of renewable energy producers in electricity […]


HIDA Lectures – Contextualizing LLMs

Online Copenhagen

This presentation focuses on the social impact of large language models. The significance of generative AI for public discourse, public administration or the creation of knowledge and art will be outlined and options for action will be discussed using technology assessment - in particular its focus on shaping technological futures and the inclusion of multiple […]

Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy Webinar I: The Value in Mentorship – Two Sides of a Coin: Why Become a Mentor? Why Have a Mentor?

Online Copenhagen

Empowering You to Be a Mentor & Find Mentorship Are you a junior scientist searching for mentorship guidance? Maybe you are looking for the inspiration and motivation to be a mentor! From the spring through the fall of 2024, the DDEA invites you to tune in to the DDEA Webinar Series on Mentoring and Career […]

Celebrating Women in Mathematical Sciences

HC Ørsted Institutet Universitetsparken 5, København

Every year on May 12, mathematicians across the world celebrate the International Women in Math Day. To mark this date and showcase the excellent work done in all areas of theoretical and applied mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences at KU and DTU Compute will hold an international conference celebrating women in mathematical sciences from May […]


Mathematics of Data Science seminar

DTU Building 303A aud. 42, DTU Lyngby Campus, Lyngby, Denmark

Enabling digital twins through modeling, data, and learning — a few examples by Jan S. Hesthaven Provost, Professor of Mathematics Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne The seminar series is open to everyone. More information: Date: May 17, 2024 Time: 12:00–12:55 Location: Building 303A aud. 42, DTU Lyngby Campus (Google Maps:,12.5190574,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x79802939c5deff09!8m2!3d55.7852953!4d12.5197333?coh=164777&entry=tt&shorturl=1) The seminar will […]


Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Advancing Patient Outcomes and Responsible Governance

IDA Conference Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, København V, Denmark

The ability of AI to process vast amounts of data and automate, execute tasks accurately, repeatedly and rapidly is already making an impact on healthcare. This conference will feature a lineup of esteemed speakers from medicine, technology, and governance who will explore the powerful impact of AI on enhancing patient outcomes and establishing robust governance […]

Mentor Application Deadline – DDSA Mentoring Programme 2024/25 Edition

Online Copenhagen

Are you a data scientist, an academic in the field, or simply passionate about sharing knowledge and guiding the next generation of data scientists? Join us as a mentor in the DDSA Mentoring Programme for the 2024/25 Edition. Help shape the future by imparting your experience and insights. Make sure to register before the application […]

The Honeynet Project Workshop 2024

DTU Building 303A aud. 42, DTU Lyngby Campus, Lyngby, Denmark

The Honeynet Project Workshop is a technical international security conference focused on honeypots, deception and cyber intelligence. The aim of the workshop is to bring the security community together to learn the tools, tactics and motives involved in computer and network attacks, and share the lessons learned.

Applied Computational Biology Course, 2024

DTU Building 303A aud. 42, DTU Lyngby Campus, Lyngby, Denmark

Are you ready to explore the latest advancements in computational molecular biology? Course: 5ECTS Join our one-week course covering state-of-the-art methods in computational molecular biology. Topic areas include research in cutting-edge biotechnology sequencing data types, biosustainability, medical genomics, deep learning models for molecular data, and large-scale genome sequence analysis methods. Get hands-on experience, learn from […]


EuroVis 2024

The University of Southern Denmark, Odense Campusvej 55, Odense, Denmark

EuroVis 2024 will be held physically in Odense, Denmark. This 26th edition of EuroVis will be hosted by the The University of Southern Denmark. The exciting and vibrant field of Visualization is an increasingly important research area due to its wide range of applications in many disciplines. In general, our ability to collect, store, and […]

15th International EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics

The University of Southern Denmark, Odense Campusvej 55, Odense, Denmark

The goal of the workshop is to promote and advance the combination and integration of visualization and analytics methods for the purpose of problem solving in a variety of application domains including engineering, business, public policy, medicine, security, etc.

Film Screening – NIRANTHEA

Aalborg University Copenhagen A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, Copenhagen, Denmark

Please join us for a free public film screening + artist talk with Marco Donnarumma of NIRANTHEA, a hybrid short film combining documentary, audiovisual synaesthesia and AI hearing algorithms. The film is offered as part of the PhD Course on Biophysical Expression, Affect and Movement at Aalborg Univeristy. NIRANTHEA offers a poetic reflection on the […]


AIRCON: Virtual knowledge sharing event about an AI-based solution for the contouring of organs

At an online event you will have the opportunity to meet hospital physicist Henrik Dahl Nissen (Oncology Department, Lillebaelt Hospital), who will share his insights about an AI-Radiotheraoy-Contouring system (AIRCON), a system for automatically contouring of organs on CT and/or MR scans (DICOM images). AIRCON is used when planning radiotherapy for cancer. The solution is […]


Lecture: Creating Equitable Value with AI

Novo Nordisk Foundation Tuborg Havnevej 19 Tuborg Havnevej 19, Hellerup, Denmark

Join us for a session in the company of three exciting researchers sharing their work and perspectives on bias and fairness in AI – and the dilemmas in ensuring responsible and value-creating AI. Fairness in artificial intelligence is crucial to ensure that AI-systems serve all individuals equitably, preventing discrimination and promoting trust. Bias in AI-systems […]


HIDA Lecture: On New Security and Safety Challenges Posed by LLMs and How to Evaluate Them

Online Copenhagen

Abstract: This online lecture delves into the pervasive integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) within numerous real-world applications, presenting both expansive opportunities for assistance across diverse tasks and formidable challenges in terms of security and safety. In contrast to previous models characterized by static generation, the dynamic, multi-turn, and adaptable nature of LLMs poses considerable […]


Nordic numerical linear algebra meeting

The University of Southern Denmark, Odense Campusvej 55, Odense, Denmark

The workshop is devoted to all aspects of applied and numerical linear algebra, spanning theory, analysis, computation and methods to specific research areas in applications as well as mathematical software. Keynote Speakers: Erin Carson (Charles University), Iveta Hnetynkova (Charles University) and Alex Townsend (Cornell University). Organizing Committee: Philipp Birken (Lund University), Andrii Dmytryshyn (Örebro University), […]


Nordic ProbAI Summer School

Copenhagen København, Denmark

The Nordic ProbAI summer school aims to deliver a comprehensive curriculum to explore the intricacies of probabilistic machine learning and its real-world applications in bioinformatics and chemistry. The current program includes lectures and hands-on practical sessions provided by leading worldwide experts and researchers in this field. Invited speakers will cover a diverse range of topics, […]

Nordic Probabilistic AI School (ProbAI)

The Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence The Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Øster Voldgade 3, 1350 København K, København, Denmark

The ProbAI is here to provide an inclusive educational environment that serves state-of-the-art machine learning and artificial intelligence expertise with a probabilistic twist. With a carefully designed curriculum and a seamless blend of theory and hands-on sessions, our expert team of invited lecturers will guide you through five intensive days each dedicated to a different […]

Symposium: Genome Editing – from basic principles to applied science

Novo Nordisk Foundation Tuborg Havnevej 19, Hellerup

The aim of this meeting in genome editing is to gather word-leading researchers in the field and experts, both from industry and academia, to raise awareness of the important ongoing applications and explore possible coordinated strategies in the important area of genome manipulation

Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP) 2024

Hotel Koldingfjord Fjordvej 154, Kolding, Denmark

MAPSP is a biennial workshop dedicated to building a community of researchers interested in theoretical and practical aspects of scheduling, planning, and timetabling. The 16th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2024) will be organized at Hotel Koldingfjord, Kolding, Denmark. The impressive 1911 building of Hotel Koldingfjord is located right […]

HIDA Lectures @ MarDATA: Revolutionizing Ocean Science: Exploring Digital Twins

Online Copenhagen

Abstract: In this HIDA Lecture, Ute Brönner (SINTEF Ocean, Norway) talks about the enormous potential of digital twins in ocean research. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine defines a digital twin as a virtual construct that mimics the structure, context, and behaviour of a natural, technical, or social system and is dynamically updated […]


DDSA Pre-Graduate Retreat 2024

Rødding Højskole Flors Allé 1, Rødding, Denmark

Free, annual event for bachelor’s- and master’s students in data science (or related) study programmes who are curious about doing a PhD in data science. This is your opportunity to spend 24+ hours with like-minded students and a line-up of PhD students, young researchers, and data science professionals ready to share their experiences and advice […]


AI and tech ethics: Why you should build socially sustainable products and services.

DTU Skylab Diplomvej 373D, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark +1 more

This Applied AI Lunch Talk focuses on the ethical impacts of AI products and services. You can join online by signing up here: Or show up at DTU Skylab's Auditorium (Centrifugevej 373D, 2800 Lyngby) About the Talk: AI and tech ethics - Why you should build socially sustainable products and services. In this talk, […]


Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy Webinar III: The Mentor-Mentee Relationship

Online Copenhagen

Empowering You to Be a Mentor & Find Mentorship Are you a junior scientist searching for mentorship guidance? Maybe you are looking for the inspiration and motivation to be a mentor! From the spring through the fall of 2024, the DDEA invites you to tune in to the DDEA Webinar Series on Mentoring and Career […]

PhD Summerschool: Physics meets Machine Learning

This is a 2.5 ECTS PhD-course in advanced machine learning under the topic of "Physics meets Machine Learning". The course consists of five days (Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 4 PM) of lectures and exercises. The lectures will cover theoretical and practical aspects of prominent intersections between Physics and Machine Learning. Technical aspects, programming and application […]

HAMLET-PHYSICS (How to Apply Machine Learning to Experimental and Theoretical Physics)

Lundbeck Auditorium, Biocenter, University of Copenhagen, Ole Maaløes Vej 5, 2200 Copenhagen N Ole Maaløes Vej 5, Copenhagen N, Denmark +1 more

A three-day workshop that brings together Danish and international researchers applying machine learning techniques to physics domains, including particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology, climate science, geophysics, molecular physics, quantum physics, condensed matter and biophysics. The program includes keynote speakers from ETH Zurich, Columbia University and DeepMind, fireside chats, research speed-dating, student lightning talks, and a […]

8th Annual Danish Bioinformatics Conference

Mærsk Tower, University of Copenhagen Blegdamsvej 3B, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Danish Bioinformatics Conference, under the umbrella of ELIXIR Denmark, aims to be a dynamic forum for the bioinformatics community, including data scientists, statisticians, software developers, and wet lab scientists. This conference has been an excellent platform to exchange about the latest research and tools development in Danish bioinformatics. Participants have the chance to learn, […]

MASSHINE Ph.D. Summer School: Social Data Science – Machine Learning in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2024

Hotel Højgaarden Slettestrandvej 50

This course is supported by Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA) Registration: Lecturer(s): Associate Professor Roman Jurowetzki (Aalborg University Business School) Associate Professor Rolf Lyneborg Lund (Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University) Assistant Professor Mathieu Jacomy (Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University) Numbers of seats: 21 - We will contact you after […]

Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy Webinar IV: The Mentorship Skills

Online Copenhagen

Empowering You to Be a Mentor & Find Mentorship Are you a junior scientist searching for mentorship guidance? Maybe you are looking for the inspiration and motivation to be a mentor! From the spring through the fall of 2024, the DDEA invites you to tune in to the DDEA Webinar Series on Mentoring and Career […]

Mentee Application Deadline – DDSA Mentoring Programme 2024/25 Edition

Online Copenhagen

Are you an aspiring data scientist eager to learn and grow in your field? Apply now to become a mentee in the DDSA Mentoring Programme for the 2024/25 Edition. This is your opportunity to connect with experienced professionals and gain invaluable insights into the world of data science. Don’t miss the application deadline! Learn more […]

In the Picture: Medical Imaging Datasets

Hotel Nyborg Strand Østerøvej 2, Nyborg, Denmark

Machine learning has shown promising results in medical image diagnosis, at times with claims of expert-level performance. However, algorithms with high reported performances do not always generalize to real-life settings, leading to incorrect and/or biased diagnoses. Two key datasets-related issues contribute to this challenge: (i) the presence of shortcuts, i.e. spurious correlations between artifacts in […]

Event Series Lille Kat

Lille Kat

IT-University of Copenhagen Rued Langgardsvej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark

Lille Kat is an event aimed at students from all study programmes at ITU who want to solve problems, improve their programming skills, and hang out with friends. The Lille Kat events aim to be fun and challenging for programmers of every skill level. Lille Kat hosts around 5 events every semester at about a […]


Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy Postdoc Summit 2024

This September, DDEA invites postdocs to Bornholm, Denmark for our annual Postdoc Summit. Join us to strengthen the endocrinology research community through scientific and professional development at the postdoc level. By gathering both Danish and international postdocs for an immersive week-long event, we will provide you with opportunities to gain a broader scientific perspective on […]

6th Nordic Fintech Research Symposium 2024- Fighting AML together

University of Copenhagen 4 Frue Plads, Copenhagen, Denmark

The 6th Nordic Fintech Research Symposium will focus on how academia, fintechs, larger financial institutions and authorities can collaborate on fighting financial fraud with a special focus on Anti Money Laundering (AML) by applying knowledge from state-of-the-art research and advanced industry solutions For the Symposium Copenhagen Fintech has worked with The Department of Computer Science […]

Event Series Lille Kat

Lille Kat

IT-University of Copenhagen Rued Langgardsvej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark

Lille Kat is an event aimed at students from all study programmes at ITU who want to solve problems, improve their programming skills, and hang out with friends. The Lille Kat events aim to be fun and challenging for programmers of every skill level. Lille Kat hosts around 5 events every semester at about a […]


Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy Webinar V: Mentorship Progression & the Diversity of Mentorship

Online Copenhagen

Empowering You to Be a Mentor & Find Mentorship Are you a junior scientist searching for mentorship guidance? Maybe you are looking for the inspiration and motivation to be a mentor! From the spring through the fall of 2024, the DDEA invites you to tune in to the DDEA Webinar Series on Mentoring and Career […]

Peer Review: Understanding and Harnessing an Imperfect yet Vital Element in Academia

Does peer review feel like a black box? Are you frustrated with that pesky ‘reviewer 2’? Do you want to become the best reviewer you can be? Join us to uncover the strengths, flaws, and multi-faceted role that peer review plays in academia and at the academia-policy-media nexus. Gain deep insights into editorial and review […]

Event Series Lille Kat

Lille Kat

IT-University of Copenhagen Rued Langgardsvej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark

Lille Kat is an event aimed at students from all study programmes at ITU who want to solve problems, improve their programming skills, and hang out with friends. The Lille Kat events aim to be fun and challenging for programmers of every skill level. Lille Kat hosts around 5 events every semester at about a […]


D3A 2.0 – Danish Digitization, Data Science and AI 2.0

Hotel Nyborg Strand Østerøvej 2, Nyborg, Denmark

DDSA is thrilled to announce the dates of D3A – Danish Digitization, Data Science and AI 2.0 – hosted by Danish Data Science Academy, Pioneer Centre for AI, and Digital Research Centre Denmark! On October 22-23, 2024, we are bringing together visionary researchers and leading professionals at Hotel Nyborg Strand to grow the Danish digitalization, […]

Event Series Lille Kat

Lille Kat

IT-University of Copenhagen Rued Langgardsvej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark

Lille Kat is an event aimed at students from all study programmes at ITU who want to solve problems, improve their programming skills, and hang out with friends. The Lille Kat events aim to be fun and challenging for programmers of every skill level. Lille Kat hosts around 5 events every semester at about a […]


WHINN 2024: Når AI og robotter går hånd i hånd – Et blik ind i fremtidens sundhedsvæsen

Syddansk Sundhedsinnovation Forskerparken 10G, Odense M, Denmark

ChatGPT har gjort generativ AI til ansigtet på kunstig intelligens – men generativ AI er så meget mere. Den teknologiske udvikling har ikke bare øget kvaliteten, men også tilgængeligheden af AI-løsninger. Indtoget af generativ AI i robotics, gør robotter i stand til at tilpasse sig og reagere på patienters og klinikers behov. Du inviteres denne […]

Talking HeaDS – Health Data Science Seminar and Social Networking

Panum, Universiyt of Copenhagen - Faculty Club 16.6.16 Blegdamsvej 3B, København N, Denmark

"This must be the place" to hear about the latest and greatest in the expanding field of health data science. The mission of the Center for Health Data Science is to not only strengthen health data science within the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (SUND) at the University of Copenhagen, but to serve as […]


Øresundsdagen 4

DTU Building 303A aud. 42, DTU Lyngby Campus, Lyngby, Denmark

The purpose of Øresundsdagen is to provide mathematicians, mathematics education researchers, teachers and other stakeholders involved in university mathematics education with a forum to exchange experiences and insights and discuss current challenges. We encourage all interested participants to contribute with short presentations (20 minutes) to share their best practices. This time, we specifically want to […]


Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy Webinar VI: I am Ready Now! How Do I Identify a Mentor?

Online Copenhagen

Empowering You to Be a Mentor & Find Mentorship Are you a junior scientist searching for mentorship guidance? Maybe you are looking for the inspiration and motivation to be a mentor! From the spring through the fall of 2024, the DDEA invites you to tune in to the DDEA Webinar Series on Mentoring and Career […]

CS4ALL event – Russ Poldrack “Open(ing) Science Makes Science Better”

Auditorium 3, H. C. Ørsted-bygningen, Universitetsparken 5, 2100, København Ø H. C. Ørsted-bygningen, Universitetsparken 5, København Ø, Denmark

We’re thrilled to invite you to our upcoming CS4ALL event on Friday, November 8th! It’s the perfect opportunity to connect and get inspired by one of the most influential voices in Open Science, Russell Poldrack. Schedule: 9:00 AM – Arrival & Light Breakfast 9:30 - 10:30 AM – Keynote Talk “Open(ing) Science Makes Science Better” […]

Event Series Lille Kat

Lille Kat

IT-University of Copenhagen Rued Langgardsvej 7, Copenhagen, Denmark

Lille Kat is an event aimed at students from all study programmes at ITU who want to solve problems, improve their programming skills, and hang out with friends. The Lille Kat events aim to be fun and challenging for programmers of every skill level. Lille Kat hosts around 5 events every semester at about a […]
